Don't even mention more taxes!
Last week began with Dalton Phillips, Chief Exec of
Morrison’s backing Sainsbury’s Jason King’s call for an online sales tax as a
way of leveling the playing field between online retailers and those with
physical shops.
Now the treasury is quite capable of dreaming up new taxes
without any help from the rest of us. I
fear that Treasury officials will already be licking their lips over this one,
so don’t encourage them. Governments of
all political persuasions just cannot resist taxing us any way they can and
spending the money on our behalf. They
especially like taxing business because businesses do not have a vote.
So whilst George Osborne trumpets his reductions in
corporation tax to “one of the lowest levels in the OECD” by 2015 he does
nothing about business rates and employment taxes. For those retailers that are physical space
intensive and employee intensive these taxes are far more significant than
corporation tax, and it is not dissimilar for many other sectors. As business people and as individual voters
we must hold government to task on the totality of the tax take. Whilst recognising the need to tackle the
deficit now in the longer term a “real” low tax economy for individuals and for
business is a more likely means of securing and sustaining economic growth.
Dropping BRICs
It seems like only yesterday that we were all being urged to
“rebalance” the economy and focus on the fast growing economies in Asia, South
America and Russia . Forget tired old Europe and clapped out USA , they said,
the BRICs are where the action is.
Well Brazil ’s
growth has ground to a halt as the commodities boom fades. Russia ’s economy is entirely
dependent on raw materials and energy exports with little sign of any reform of
its business and industrial practices. India is
bedevilled with a political culture that is 30 years behind the game it now
needs to play to fulfill its potential.
That leaves China . At the beginning of last week it seemed that
Chinese growth figures were coming in a bit higher than feared. Mind you we seem to get Chinese growth
figures of various kinds about twice a week, so which ones we should really take
notice of is anyone’s guess. What
doesn’t help is the growing suspicion that the official figures are painting a
much rosier growth picture than is actually the case. (Surprise, surprise - or should that be
supplies?) By the end of the week some
commentators were talking of just 2% growth or even that the Chinese economy
was reaching the point of deflation.
The challenge for all the BRIC countries is that what has
got them to where they are now is unlikely to get them much further. What is needed is reform, political, economic
and cultural. However, as in Europe the politicians seem completely unable to face up
to this, much less actually do anything.
So anything could happen, but it could be sudden, uncontrolled and not
good for any of us.
Insurers opting out
The moral and ethical bankruptcy in the banking world that
led directly to the financial crisis seems also to have infected the
insurers. Last week one of the countries
biggest insurers Swinton was fined £7m by the Financial Conduct Authority
(FCA). This was for selling “add-ons" to
customers that they had to opt out of.
This was not made clear to customers and Swinton made an extra £92m from
selling policy add-ons that customers neither wanted nor needed. To quote the FCA “Swinton did not place the
customers at the heart of its business (no actual “heart” detected – my insert). Instead it prioritised profit”.
The next day esure’s house broker JP Morgan announced that esure’s
revenue growth this year would be two-thirds lower due to a regulatory market
review into the sale of add-on opt policies.
In other words, “if the Swinton fine means esure are
prohibited from stiffing their customers then they probably won’t make as much
money”. Are things that bad that the
only way they can think of to make money is to cheat their customers and the
only reason they might stop doing this is if the regulators ban them from doing
it? If financial services are to
continue to be a significant component of our economy then this sort of
behaviour has to stop. Major reform is
needed but will we get it? Don’t hold
your breath.
Co-op blues
Talking of stiffing customers the caring sharing Co-op is
having to stiff a large number of pensioner bond holders in a desperate attempt
to rescue the Co-op bank. Who would
imagine that the Co-op, the mutual which has been held up as the “ethical bank”
is now punishing pensioners for being silly enough to believe that they were
investing in a low risk investment with the Co-op. I mean come on who ever heard of “high risk”
and the Co-op being in anyway synonymous!
Even if you read the small print you wouldn’t believe it.
Just when you might have thought it couldn’t get much worse
for the Co-op, it did. Last month in
their retail business, in spite of sales rising by 0.2pc after four months of
decline, the Co-op’s market share fell from 6.6pc to 6.4pc. The continuing loss of market share means
that the Co-op is the worst performing major grocery retailer in the UK .
Things are bad for the Co-op. It is by no means certain that they can get
agreement to the rescue package for the bank and now that its core business is
in decline, you can actually see the writing on the wall. Again major reform will be needed, but is
this organisation up for that? Probably
Kate does the right thing
No not that Kate, but Kate Bostock, former head of M&S
clothing who moved to Asos 6 months ago as head of product and trading. Ms. Bostock has decided that “Asos isn’t the
right place for me” and has left the online retailer.
Whilst she won’t be short of other offers I say respect to
Ms. Bostock for realising she was in the wrong place and doing something about
it. No severance package either,
bankers, the BBC, SFO, NHS and nearly everybody else take note!
One thought occurs.
Ms. Bostock has spent her career with bricks and mortar retailers like Next,
George and M&S. Does the fact that
she found she could not adapt to a rapidly growing, highly innovative online
business with a fast moving culture say something about why a number of established
businesses have struggled with their online offers. In order to create a different business successfully
do you actually need a completely new business with new people?
So that was some of the week before this week. We hope you found some of the above thought provoking and useful for you and your business. We trust you had a good weekend and hope you have a great week this week.
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